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NOAH Code Case 301/10/20 – Ceva Animal Health in breach of Code of Practice

The NOAH Code of Practice on the Promotion of Animal Medicines Committee met on 23 October, with Guy Tritton in the Chair, to hear Case 301/10/20.

This two-item case, brought by Zoetis UK Ltd against Ceva Animal Health Ltd, involved two claims made in marketing materials for Tulaven® 25. The promotion had been emailed to a number of dedicated pig practices in the UK.

The items were as follows:

  1. Promotional claim that ‘99% users prefer Ceva Layer Anti-shatter (CLAS) vials to glass’
  2. Promotional claim that the product is ‘eco-friendly and 33% less impact on the environment’

For both items the Committee were unanimous in finding Ceva to be in breach of Clause 5.1 of the Code which requires companies to provide information referred to in the promotion within 5 working days, where it is requested.

For both items, Ceva were not found to be in breach of clauses 4.3 (vii) and 4.4 (iii), a failure to substantiate the claims in their promotion.

For the second item of complaint, Ceva were also not found to be in breach of clause 3.1, an alleged breach of the requirement for promotions to not discredit or reduce confidence in the animal health industry.

As a result, the Chair, Guy Tritton required Ceva Animal Health Ltd to provide a formal Undertaking to abide by the timescale defined in Clause 5.1 of the Code of Practice.

More detail about Case 301 are available here.

Notes for Editors

  1. For further information on NOAH contact Dawn Howard at NOAH, tel. +44 (0)20 8367 3131, or visit the code section of the NOAH website.

  2. NOAH represents the UK animal health industry. Its aim is to promote the benefits of safe, effective, quality products and services for the health and welfare of all animals.

  3. More details of Case 301 are available here

  4. Since 1974 the animal medicine industry has regulated the contents and quality of advertisements, leaflets and promotional activities under its Code of Practice for the Promotion of Animal Medicines which is obligatory for all NOAH members and companies participating in the NOAH Datasheet Compendium. The Code is administered by a committee of 15, including an independent Chair, veterinary and farming members as well as elected industry experts.


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