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NOAH welcomes Vet Comms Ltd (VetNexa) into membership

Vet Comms Ltd has joined NOAH as an Associate Member. Vet Comms Ltd has developed VetNexa, a free-to-use app for veterinary professionals in the UK, providing information on products and suppliers, enhanced access to technical support, scientific literature and news updates.

NOAH Chief Executive Dawn Howard said: “We are delighted to welcome Vet Comms Ltd to NOAH and look forward to working with them. We fully embrace online information sources to support vets, vet nurse and students as they make decisions about the animals under their care. Indeed, we have taken the decision to move our own NOAH Compendium to its digital formats only.

“As NOAH’s membership continues to grow, we are able to both provide services for and represent a broader range of animal health business providing animal health products and services to support the livestock on farms and companion animals in people’s homes – and the people that take care of their health and welfare”.

Alan Doyle, Commercial Director of Vet Comms Ltd commented: “VetNexa is all about providing busy veterinary professionals with access to as much job-enabling information and support as possible through one simple-to-use, digital platform. Being part of NOAH helps us do this and we look forward to developing close working relationships with all NOAH members.”

Notes for Editors

  1. For more information, please contact Alison Glennon at NOAH on 07510 062566 or see

  2. NOAH represents the UK animal health industry. It promotes the benefits of safe, effective, quality products and services for the health and welfare of all animals.

  3. For more information on Vet Comms Ltd and the VetNexa app see

  4. VetNexa is free to download and use and is available from both the Apple App Store and Google’s Play Store: registration requires a valid MRCVS number

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