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How big is the UK animal medicines industry?

The UK animal medicines industry is an innovative, skills-based sector. We employ over 4000 people directly and represent around £713m sales every year.

For more information about our sector, see our 2019 NOAH Manifesto

Where can I find information on a medicine my vet or SQP has prescribed or I have bought for my animal?

NOAH publishes the Compendium of Data Sheets for Animal Medicines which is available online or via an app. In addition, the Veterinary Medicines Directorate publishes its Product Information Database here.

How can I get a copy of the Data Sheet Compendium?

The NOAH Compendium is available free to access online and as an app via the Apple store and Google Play. The NOAH Compendium of Data Sheets for Animal Medicines book has traditionally been sent free of charge to each veterinary practice premises, with the 2022 edition being the last hard copy published. A special edition is commissioned by AMTRA to send to each RAMA qualified with them. If your practice has not received its free 2022 copy, please contact us. Contact AMTRA about RAMA copies.

How can I report an unexpected suspected reaction to a veterinary medicine?

Thankfully, harmful, unexpected side-effects to animal medicines are uncommon. Before any animal medicine is allowed onto the UK market it has, by law, to satisfy very strict criteria on its quality, its effectiveness and its safety. However, once an animal medicine is in use, it is vital to know if any animals or people suffer unexpected problems following use or exposure to the product under field conditions.

Very occasionally animals may show a reaction to a medicine. This is usually mild,- just as you may feel drowsy after certain common medications. But, if your animal is unwell after treatment with an animal medicine and you are at all worried, contact your vet. This is just common-sense, whether or not your animal has received medication, and it may well be the case that the symptoms shown are totally unrelated to the medicine.

The Veterinary Medicines Directorate (VMD), a government agency which regulates the licensing and use of animal medicines in the UK, runs a scheme to monitor reports of any suspected adverse events in animals and people following the use of animal medicines. You can report when you feel a medicine has not worked or if you feel it has made your animal unwell.

How can I join NOAH?

If your company is involved with animal health, have a look at our membership information.

Membership of NOAH is unfortunately not open to individuals: if you want to keep up to date sign up to our newsletter and follow us on Twitter @UKNOAH and on LinkedIn.

How can I get information on NOAH’s qualification, the NCAH?

The animal medicines industry has long recognised the need to train those people that work within it. Since 1974, NOAH’s Code of Practice for the Promotion of Animal Medicines has required staff to be trained. The NOAH Certificate of Animal Health (NCAH) is our own qualification: follow the link for more information.

It is a requirement of NOAH membership and participation in the NOAH Compendium that all companies’ sales representatives involved in the direct technical selling of medicines (other than those on general sale i.e. AVM-GSL medicines) are on the register and take the examination within two years of joining the industry.

How do I report an advertisement for veterinary medicines that I believe contravenes NOAH’s Code?

You will find details of our Code of Practice for the Promotion of Animal Medicine and how it works in the latest edition of the Code.

As with any industry, marketing animal health products is a key factor in spreading information about their use, as well as promoting sales. All advertising is subject to the rules of the Advertising Standards Authority, and there are special requirements in the Veterinary Medicines Regulations. NOAH has an additional industry Code of Practice which is obligatory on all NOAH members and has also been endorsed by several non-member companies, to ensure those viewing animal medicine promotions can have confidence in the accuracy of the information being presented to them.

I’m worried about the health of my pet – what should I do?

If you are worried, then contact your vet – they will be happy to speak to you and if necessary, make an appointment to bring your pet in.

My question isn’t here – what should I do?

We have a contact form here on our website – fill in the details and we will get back to you.

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Give us a call or fill in the form below and we will contact you. We endeavor to answer all inquiries within 24 hours on business days.