NCAH Qualification
The NOAH Certificate of Animal Health (NCAH)
The NOAH Certificate of Animal health (NCAH) qualification helps ensure that animal medicines representatives can provide accurate and ethical information to prescribers and sellers of animal medicines in compliance with the NOAH Code of Practice for the Promotion of Animal Medicines.
The NCAH is written into the rules for NOAH company membership and is a requirement of the NOAH Code of Practice for the Promotion of Animal Medicines. It is formally academically accredited by Harper Adams University, who also host both the training courses and examinations.
All responsible animal medicines sales representatives need to be fully equipped to give support to the prescribers and sellers of animal medicines that they visit.
It is a requirement of both NOAH membership and participation in the NOAH Compendium that all companies’ sales representatives involved in the direct technical selling of medicines (other than those on general sale i.e. AVM-GSL medicines) appear on the NCAH register and have taken the NOAH Certificate of Animal Health (NCAH) examination within two years of joining the industry.
The History of NCAH
The animal medicines industry has long recognised the need to train those people that work within it. Since 1974, NOAH’s Code of Practice for the Promotion of Animal Medicines has required staff to be trained.
In addition to manufacturing companies’ own training schemes for their sales teams, it was agreed that an independent industry qualification should be established to demonstrate to their customers, the regulatory authorities and the government that animal medicines were being sold in a responsible way.
In 1991, NOAH and AMTRA (the Animal Medicines Training Regulatory Authority) launched the qualification that was to become the NCAH as The Animal Medicine Manufacturers’ Sales Staff Register.
In 2010 the qualification came under the control of NOAH and was renamed the NCAH with the establishment of the NCAH register of qualified representatives.