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NCAH Student Information

See our sections below:

Rules and fee structure for the NCAH register

All persons employed in the direct technical selling of veterinary medicines are required to pass the NCAH examination as detailed in clause 11.1 of the NOAH Code of Practice for the Promotion of Animal Medicines. Individuals who hold a degree in veterinary medicine and who are eligible to enter the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons register are not required to sit the examination to remain on the register. Holders of other relevant degrees will not receive exemptions from sitting the examination as a result of having these qualifications.

In normal circumstances, representatives are required to attempt the examination within 2 years of joining the animal medicines industry. They must pass the examination within 3 years of joining the animal medicines industry.

If a grandfather qualified representative allows their register entry to lapse by not paying the annual registration fee, they are not required to sit and pass the NCAH examination in order to re-join and remain on the NOAH register of representatives.

If an individual who has passed the examination, or a grandfather qualified representative, allows their qualification to lapse, they will not be required to re-sit the examination in order to rejoin the register.

NOAH will not release information to member companies on whether an individual has obtained the NCAH without first receiving from the individual written consent to this information being released. Data protection rules apply to the information NOAH holds in relation to the NCAH.

Fee structure from 2023

  • Initial registration fee: £290. Covers entry on the register until the end of the calendar year in which the enrolment is made, the examination fee and the cost of the training manual.
  • Annual registration fee: payable by both students and representatives who have passed the examination. This fee is currently £54 per annum. Any changes to the fee will be advised in the re-registration document, sent out annually.
  • Examination re-sit fee: Should an individual fail the NCAH examination and wishes to re-sit the exam, a re-sit fee of £150 will be payable.

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Registration with NOAH

To register for the NCAH, complete the NCAH Enrolment form. On receipt you/they will be entered on to the NCAH Register of representatives (with a ‘student’ status) once NOAH has received payment you/they will be sent a PDF full training manual syllabus, along with their 4 digit M number (which is needed when applying for the exam with Harper Adams).

Harper Adams University will also provide candidates with access to their Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) known as ‘The Learning Hub’. This interactive online resource will contain additional tools to assist with their studies and is available to students who pay/attend their in-person course.  Students who choose to ‘self-study’ with the exam only option will not have access to these resources prior to the exam.

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Course and examinations

The current course and examination was launched in April 2016 and the syllabus was updated in 2021. The  course and examination is worth 15 academic credits consisting of one module (no optional modules). Candidates for any given examination date wishing to have optional external training (see below) will all attend the same module delivered at Harper Adams University and sit one written examination on the syllabus.

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Training Manual

Each candidate will receive a PDF copy of the entire training manual. (As part of NOAH’s sustainability and environmental commitments a hard copy of the training manual is no longer supplied).

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Professional short course module with Harper Adams University (optional)

Optional training is available as professional short courses which take place at Harper Adams University. The dates of the training courses for 2024 are below. Attendance at a training course is not a mandatory requirement i.e. a candidate may choose to prepare for the examination entirely by self-study if they wish.

Candidates are required to complete a separate form to be sent to Harper Adams University to register for the course. If you require any help completing this form please contact Harper Adams University short courses office (details below).

The registration, payment and all arrangements for these courses are handled by the Short Courses office at Harper Adams University. Please see Harper Adams website for the fees charged to representatives for the course (payable to Harper Adams directly).

Queries can also be directed to Jenny George-Town ( or Donal Murphy (

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Assessment of the NCAH will be by way of a written examination which takes take place at Harper Adams University, Newport, Shropshire (see link to directions here). The pass mark is 40% (students will also be graded) which candidates will be required to achieve in order to be awarded the NCAH.

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NCAH course and examination dates

2024 Dates


Examination – Monday 19th August


Course – Mon 16th Sept – Wed 18th Sept 2024

Examination – Monday 14th October

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Enrolment and exam booking forms

Candidates are first required to register with NOAH to receive a training manual and to be registered as students on the NCAH register.

Candidates are required to register for courses and examinations with Harper Adams University. Please use this form to register – students will need their 4 digit M number to apply. The deadline for registering for examinations is 1 month before the examination takes place. Please note that this form must be sent to Harper Adams University and not NOAH.

Contact details for Harper Adams University at the bottom of the page.

For more information on NCAH enrolment please contact Jenny George-Town at NOAH on 07518594525 or email

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Key contacts at Harper Adams University

In order to ensure any incoming queries or matters from staff or students involved with the NCAH course and exams get dealt with promptly please direct your enquiry to .

OR you can reach Harper Adams University Short Courses office on the following telephone numbers:

01952 815059

01952 815042

Enquire now

Give us a call or fill in the form below and we will contact you. We endeavor to answer all inquiries within 24 hours on business days.