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NOAH Parliamentary Drop In to discuss GB Veterinary Medicines Regulations Review

Kindly sponsored by Daniel Zeichner MP, Shadow Minister (Environment, Food and Rural Affairs), NOAH held a Parliamentary Drop In at Portcullis House. Attended by a number of parliamentarians and researchers, it was a great opportunity to discuss veterinary medicines and the importance of the GB Veterinary Medicines Regulations  (VMR) Review. The deadline for response to this closed on 31 March, with NOAH making a full and detailed response.

We welcome much in the VMR proposals. Time must be allocated for the VMR legislation to be laid before Parliament and approved.

Nevertheless, our submission to the Veterinary Medicines Directorate (VMD) public consultation suggested several changes to the VMR proposals. If left unchanged, some of the draft proposals could have an adverse effect on the availability of veterinary medicines in GB and a knock-on risk to animal and public health, animal welfare and sustainability.

See more in our briefing paper ‘A thriving animal health sector though the revised Great Britain Veterinary Medicines Regulations

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