NOAH: cautious welcome for Brexit Blueprint
12th July 2018
NOAH ‘cautiously welcomes’ the government’s blueprint for UK relations with the EU published today. The long-awaited White Paper sets out UK government proposals for withdrawing from the EU and plans for future working together, including the establishment of a new free trade area and regulatory alignment.
NOAH Chief Executive Dawn Howard said: “The proposal includes regulatory alignment in ‘industrial goods and agricultural products’ so is a welcome move for our sector, which is highly regulated. We have previously supported the proposal for a close working relationship, even associate membership, of the European Medicines Agency.
“We therefore welcome proposals for an economic partnership and regulatory cooperation, including participation by the UK in the European Medicines Agency. In addition, the recognition of the importance of our manufacturing sector and bespoke provisions for animal medicines, reflecting their unique status is good news for the future supply of animal health products, animal welfare and food security in the UK.
“Of course, the devil is in the detail and we wait to see what will be acceptable for our EU colleagues in the negotiations this autumn.
“We look forward to working to ensure the best possible outcome for the animal health sector, as these proposals are taken into negotiations with the European Union”.
Notes for Editors
For more information please contact Dawn Howard or Alison Glennon at NOAH on 020 8367 3131 or see
NOAH represents the UK animal medicines industry. Its aim is to promote the benefits of safe, effective, quality medicines for the health and welfare of all animals.