NOAH Brexit Barometer 3 sends clear message that ‘no-deal’ Brexit is a serious concern for the animal medicines industry
12th September 2018
The increasingly turbulent negotiations and the strong possibility of a no-deal Brexit are causing increasing levels of concern, and in some areas negativity, amidst the animal medicines industry, says NOAH’s third Brexit Barometer. The seemingly continued lack of Government progress was revealed to be of grave concern as we move ever-closer to the March 2019 Brexit deadline.
Whilst continuing to highlight recurring themes of uncertainty and concern, the third edition of the Barometer does however reveal pockets of optimism – particularly in relation to Animal health and welfare. Conversely, of the six lenses that have been examined in the Barometer[i], Trade and export and Public health and food production have seen noticeable increases in negative sentiment and uncertainty.
The changing sentiment was tracked across the same six lenses as the previous two Brexit Barometers: animal health and welfare, public health and food production, trade and investment, R&D and innovation, bringing new products to market and post-licensing controls for the overall market. Key findings include:
- Animal health and welfare paints a more positive picture than previously with contributors who felt very or somewhat pessimistic falling from 21 to 14% and those feeling very or somewhat optimistic increasing from 65% to 73%
- Public health and food production has seen the largest increase in negative sentiment with almost a third (32%) now feeling very or somewhat pessimistic in comparison to 17% in the previous Barometer
- The overall industry picture has seen a notable increase in pessimism with no contributors feeling very optimistic about the future of the industry post-Brexit and almost half (43%) feeling very or somewhat pessimistic
NOAH Chief Executive Dawn Howard comments:
“Increasing levels of uncertainty were a key take-out in our second Brexit Barometer report back in Winter 2017, and it is concerning to see that these are continuing to rise as we move closer to the Brexit deadline.
“We are committed to supporting our members through the difficult coming months, however we do need more clarity from Government in order to secure the best possible outcome for the animal medicines industry. The reality of a no-deal Brexit is looming and only with Government clarity and solutions can we achieve the outcomes that we as an industry are striving for.”
To download the full report, click here. The next Brexit Barometer will be launched in Winter 2019.
Notes for Editors
For more information contact Dawn Howard or Alison Glennon at NOAH
NOAH represents the UK animal health industry. Its aim is to promote the benefits of safe, effective, quality products and services for the health and welfare of all animals.
[i] Six lenses: Trade and exports in relation to animal health, Public health and the production of food in the UK, Animal health and welfare in the UK, R&D in the animal health sector, Bringing a product to market in the UK, and Post-licensing controls for the overall market