NOAH welcomes the publication of the Agriculture Bill today and its recognition of the importance of measures to improve animal health and welfare.
NOAH has welcomed the commitment to parliamentary time to amend the Veterinary Medicines Regulations in the Queens Speech. The association is pleased to see the strong support for animal welfare and UK science.
Animal health and welfare should be at the heart of the new Government’s commitment to lead the world in its quality of food and agriculture, says NOAH.
NOAH has released its animal health manifesto ahead of the General Election. The manifesto calls on prospective MPs to pledge their support to safeguard the health and welfare of the UK’s pets and farm animals.
The veterinary medicines supply chain explains plans
All veterinary medicines authorised for use in the UK will continue to be authorised after Brexit and can remain on the market for sale and supply in their existing packaging.
NOAH is holding two free Brexit preparedness webinars for veterinary medicine companies, contract manufacturers and suppliers of animal health products – NOAH members and non-members alike.
NOAH will be holding free Brexit seminars around the UK for animal health professionals including vets, SQPs, practice managers, buyers, wholesalers, distributors and retailers.